Monday, September 7, 2009

Down the river...

MOAB, UTAH - Monday - putting in on the Green River tomorrow for 29 days. (I see that it's been raining at Holden. We're back in hot summer weather here.)

I am happy to report no memorable incidence on our way down here. Makes for a dull blog, I know, but I am happy to concede to dullness. Actually, it wasn't dull at all, but full of more all-night packing and rearranging (how can that be?), driving and more driving. Our little ancient Mazda with 240,000 miles on it, stuffed to the brim with us and our gear, did it's usual - averaging 40 mpg from Chelan to Moab! I don't think we could have crammed in even one extra water bottle (though we did manage to fit those 14 homemade scones from Marc's mom!).

Was it just five days ago that we left Holden? Even though it was such a blur, leaving new friendships and old, leaving the squirrely-guys (and those friendly mice) - there is such goodness associated with it. Amid all the chaos of packing and no sleep, amid all the goodbyes, there were moments of crystalline heartbreaking beauty, moments of laughter and joy, moments of sadness, (and a few moments of pure panic). Life, love, the universe, and all that.

And so we're off - down the river. See you in a month.


  1. Matt Perry just told me about this blog! It's great! I'm so excited for the three of you and the adventures ahead. I look forward to reading all about it. Enjoy!
